Manufacturing 4.0 Survey

What is Industry 4.0? Here's A Super Easy Explanation For Anyone


Student Section

How would you rate this Manufacturing 4.0 course?*
Are you interested in applying for any of the following while still in high school?*
Check all that apply
What companies are you interested in applying to: *

Teacher Section

Random Lake-KPIs*
Random Lake-KPIs
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Students will become aware of the career opportunities in manufacturing
Teachers will learn how the curriculum and equipment work
To develop and implement a stand alone class in Industry 4.0 for the 2022 -2023 school year
Oostburg KPIs*
Oostburg KPIs
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Students develop awareness of career opportunities in manufacturing through partnership visits and guest speakers
Students begin work toward Basic Operations SACA certifications
Teachers learn the curriculum and develop sequencing of learning activities in Robotics and Manufacturing Courses.
Kiel KPIs*
Kiel KPIs
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Find the most suitable ways to install these into our current curriculum.
Give each student in Tech Ed a chance to walk through at least 1 segment of an amatrol learning platform with a training system.
Expose every student in Engineering and Metals class to the Hydraulics and Pneumatics systems.
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Students will become aware of local manufacturing careers and advancement opportunities through partnerships visits and guest speakers.
Teachers will learn how the curriculum and equipment work and explore possibilities for integration into various subject areas/courses.
Establish a stand alone course or a course for independent study for the 2021-2022 school year.
Regular review of student achievement/success criteria in the Amatrol curriculum
What level of interest do you see from Mfg 4.0 students in Youth Co-op?*
What level of interest do you see from Mfg 4.0 students in Youth Apprenticeship?*

School Administrator Section-Baseline Data

2+ related courses

Business Partner

The classroom guest speaker visits were valuable for my company*
The company onsite visits were valuable for my company*
My investment in Mfg 4.0 is growing my pipeline of future talent. *
My company offers student positions for high school students to apply.*
Include all student positions: Youth Apprenticeship, Youth Co-op and any other part time student positions.
My company hires high school seniors into full-time positions.*
My company offers part-time positions for technical college and/or university students during the school year.*
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